Howdy! Here to share a couple of finds I've made since Christmas and the New Year.
First up, I finally bit the worm, and picked up the Justice League Aquaman One:12 Collective figure from Mezco Toyz. While I'm not a big fan of this armored look (I prefer the more classic look from his solo movie), you can't ignore the detail on this piece! Arthur comes with 4 pairs of hands, his trident, Mother-box, and display stand. Because of the full armor, articulation is restricted, especially at his torso. No "ab crunch" as the complaint has been. But for what he is, I'm happy. He makes a nice addition to my Aquaman Shrine. Now I'm looking forward to a classic look variant. Or a Black Manta!
Next is my first NEW figure find of the year. The Walgreen's exclusive Marvel Legends Magik figure from Hasbro. I literally found the figure the day after I found out it had been released. Presenting Magik in her current look, with the black leather, spikes, and enormous Soul Sword, it is a really nice figure. My luck at finding exclusives is getting a little better.
When I recently visited GameStop, I found something I've really been looking forward to. The Jim Lee Signature Aquaman POP from Funko. In a recreation of the final splash page from Justice League #3 (New 52, 2012), we see a scruffy Aquaman atop a defeated Parademon, with waves crashing behind him. Really nice POP, and probably my new favorite.
Whilst I was at GameStop, I also paid off my pre-order for the NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures. These are expected to be in around February 6th. So expect a report on those soon!
To finish, I finally got a Detolf display case from IKEA. Using gift money specifically meant for this purchase, I made the trip the day after Christmas. I am very pleased with this case. Expect more to be added to my Nerd Cave. Now I just need to add some lighting.

Well, that's it for this time around. I hope to be back soon with another review. In the meantime, I'm regularly posting on the social media accounts.
Until next time, you'll find me in the toy aisle.