Greetings! Just wanted to say something about a few notable releases that caught my attention for today!
Avengers: Infinity War
First up is the digital release of Avengers: Infinity War. Unless you've been off planet the last few months, you may have heard something about this little movie. The showdown between the Avengers and Thanos and his Black Order comes to a head. And it all ends with the snap of Thanos' finger.

Star Wars Rebels: Season Four
Next is the release of Season Four of Star Wars Rebels. I admit I didn't get to watch any of this season, as I don't have access to Disney XD. But hopefully I'll be able to remedy this soon. This was the final season for this fantastic show and I can't wait to get caught up on it!

Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis
So, while I enjoyed the Lego Movie, that's really the only "Lego" movie I've watched. I'm not typically into them. But after having several friends and acquaintances suggest this one to me, I may have to check it out. I mean, it is Aquaman, so it does fit within my realm of interest.
There you have it. Some new releases that popped up on my radar that I thought I'd share with you all.
Until next time, you’ll find me in the toy aisle.