Welcome back! This piece is meant to coincide with my Comic Book Mojo entry For the Love of X, which you’ve hopefully read. This time around, I’m going to look at some upcoming X-Men collectibles that I have my eye on and may even add to my personal collection. As I mentioned over in CBM, the X-Men, along with Spider-Man, is where I began my superhero comic collecting, and have been a long time favorite. Especially 90s era X-Men. And recently, there's been some X-Men related toy announcements that have caught my attention. A couple from a line I have a small collection of, and a couple from a line I've somewhat watched but have none of. And I'm hoping to add all of them to my collection.
Mezco One:12 Collective
First up are a couple offerings from Mezco Toyz and their wonderful One:12 Collective line. For those of you unfamiliar with the One:12, this is a line of 1/12th scale figures, typically between 6 and 7 inches, depending on the character. Boasting many points of articulation and oodles of accessories, again depending on the character. And they normally run $80-100 for first release figures, with a handful of characters going above that price point. And for this entry, I am looking at the X-Men characters Cyclops and Cable, both priced at $100. I've touched on Cyclops in a previous piece, and he comes with some nice accessories and light up visor features. And the costume is almost exactly the same as his 90s costume. I am very much looking forward to adding this guy to my collection! Coincidentally, Cyclops' son, Cable, is the other figure I'm looking at. While his costume isn't exactly comic, or movie accurate, it is still a look that I feel fits the character. And I've become accustomed to Mezco taking some liberties in their visual interpretations of characters. Cable comes with with his own light up features, which seem to be his Techo-organic eye and armor, as well as two head sculpts, several pairs of hands, and a couple of Cable worthy guns, one of which seems to have its own light up feature. He will go nicely on my shelf next to either Cyclops or Deadpool. Or, most likely, both.
Beast Kingdom Egg Attack
Next up are a few offerings from Beast Kingdom and their Egg Attack line of figures. This is not a line I'm too familiar with. I've seen a few of their figures on online sites, but nothing had really caught my eye until recently. Specifically, the upcoming Wolverine and Cyclops (again!) figures. As well as a Deadpool offering. And the size of the figures is deceptive. Looking at the pictures online, it would almost appear, to me, that the figures are smaller, almost like they're super-deformed. Of course, if I'd read the specifics on the postings, I'd see they measure at 6 inches. And on another recent Geeky Shopping Day with my daughter and her BFF, I actually saw some of these figures on display. Darth Vader, C-3PO, and R2-D2, to be exact. I have to say I was quite impressed with the look of them.
So this brings me to the recently announced Wolverine special edition and PX Exclusive Cyclops. Both figures come with accessories, Cyclops sporting a variety of optic blasts, and Wolverine has a couple of head sculpts and a defeated Sentinel head base. Both figures run around $75-80 each and I'm looking forward to possibly starting my Egg Attack collection with these two. And they have a decent line of Star Wars figures. And, of course, they have Deadpool!
So, there's some of what I'm hoping to add to my collections in the next 6 months, or so. If you'd like to set up some pre-orders of your own, go check out BigBadToyStore.com. That's where I've got most of my pre-orders.
Until next time, you’ll find me in the toy aisle.