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This is where I'll share my various writings for Out Of The Package and Comic Book Mojo

Out Of The Package - Going Solo

Writer's picture: Joe GardnerJoe Gardner

Greetings from the ToyMan! Recently, Solo: A Star Wars Story was released on home video, and I come to you with my thoughts and feelings on it, as well as some recent Solo, and other Star Wars, acquisitions. Beware, though, there WILL BE spoilers. The movie has been out long enough, between the theater and now home release, so if you haven’t seen it yet…SHAME ON YOU! *ahem* Sorry about that. And in case you haven’t heard, it did rather poorly in the theaters. For a Star Wars movie. Here we go.

I loved this movie! I spoke enough about this movie when it was in theaters, that folks thought Disney had hired me as a hype man. But I didn’t start out excited for the movie. When first announced, Solo honestly wasn’t even on my radar. Zero interest. Hearing the news of drama on the set and the firing of the directors certainly didn’t draw me in, either. When they brought in Ron Howard, I thought there might be potential. But still no interest from me. The teaser trailer dropped late last year, and I watched it, but wasn’t too thrilled. But then the full trailer dropped in February, I believe, and something sparked in my head. Maybe it was seeing the family of Wookies. Maybe it was getting a better glimpse at Donald Glover as Lando.

Theatrical poster for Solo: A Star Wars Story

I don’t know, but whatever it was, I started to get excited for the movie. As did my daughter, Madison. So excited that we made plans to go opening weekend. Which turned into opening day, something I rarely do. So much so, that I cashed in points on My Disney Rewards for a theatrical poster. And after the movie, I started hunting down other merchandise related to the movie. I’ll go over those later. I went in to the movie with high expectations and came away quite satisfied. I dare say, and some might consider this statement sacrilege, it may challenge Empire Strikes Back as my favorite Star Wars movie. Here’s some of my thoughts on the movie:

I loved that this movie brought back memories of seeing A New Hope the first time, and how it reminded me of how I fell in love with Han and fantasized about being him. It felt like an old school Star Wars movie. It expanded upon what we've been shown of Han being a scoundrel but having a good heart when it counts.

Ignore the complaints about Alden Ehrenreich. He does a fine job as Han. And if Harrison Ford himself praised the guy, why shouldn't we?

Hands down, this movie is my favorite representation of Chewbacca. The first meeting between the two and the building of their friendship is fun to watch. And the revelation that Han can not only understand Chewie but can speak his language was a fun little interaction. And integral in their first meeting. Watching their friendship and trust in each other as it begins to grow is a wonderful thing to see.

Woody Harrelson stole every scene he was in. He’s a magnificent scoundrel and is a perfect fit as Tobias Beckett. It’s just a shame that his time in the Star Wars Universe was so short.

Enfys Nest is the new Boba Fett. And one of my new favorite characters. Although, the character gets more build than Fett had in his first appearance. I hope we get more of her story.

The love and relationship between Han and Qi’ra foreshadows, to me, Han’s relationship with Leia in the later movie timeline. Although, I don’t feel we’ve seen the full story of Han and Qi’ra.

Donald Glover was great. Felt very much like I was watching a young Billy Dee Williams. The super confident Lando doing his thing. And showing why he's a scoundrel, too. Granted, I'm on a bit of a Glover/Childish Gambino kick lately. I'm sure you've seen my posts of what I've been listening to lately.

And the story of the Millennium Falcon and how she got her “personality” from L3-37. Yes, we get a story connecting to Threepio commenting on the Falcon's "peculiar dialect". And even a little tie-in to an old toy design of the Falcon.

This next part I got from Gail Simone's Twitter thread from around the theatrical release. I couldn't quite put my finger on what I was feeling, but she nailed it:

“The characters actually want and care about things in a relatable way. Goals that Han and Qi'ra were pursuing, even if selfish, felt real. Several times the characters go out of their way to help others, despite their selfishness. Like heroes.”

I also didn't realize how much I enjoyed not seeing Jedi, or any mentions of the Force. Well, mostly. It was a nice change.

The surprise appearance at the end was a nice payoff for those who watched either Clone Wars or Rebels. Maul (no longer Darth, if you’ve watched Clone Wars or Rebels) shows up as the boss of Crimson Sun, saying that he and Qi’ra will be working much closer than he and Dryden Voss did. (Oh yeah, Qi’ra killed Voss) I get some folks complaint of the appearance not working for those who only watch the movies. But maybe it will entice folks to look up how that character could even be there. This REALLY thrilled Madison, as she’s a huge Maul fan. As am I.

The only real complaint I have about the story is the origin of the name “Solo”. We’re never given Han’s actual last name, if he even has one. As he’s trying to escape Corellia, Han makes his way to an Imperial recruiting officer. The officer asks for Han’s clan, to which he replies that he has no clan. So, the officer names him “Solo”. Han Solo. But later in the movie he speaks of his father. Now, this is my brain associating clan with family name. Maybe things work differently in this other universe and culture, and those things aren’t associated. But that was the only thing that really bugged me.

Finally, the ending teases the first, inevitable meeting with Jabba. And who knows who else? And that could be where the fun REALLY begins! And I hope we get more of Han’s story from before A New Hope!

Black Series Range Trooper figure from Hasbro

On to the toys! As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m on a bit of a Black Series figure kick. My figure count is currently at six, counting Rey with her speeder, and half of those are figures from the Solo line. I’ve picked up Han, Lando, and most recently, the Range Trooper. I’ve been after this guy since I first saw pics of the figure. Looking like a teched out, pimped out Snow Trooper, he’s just too cool. (You’re welcome for that pun.) I hope to add Chewbacca, Beckett, Qi’ra, and Enfys and her Swoop Bike. And maybe a few more Range Troopers. Seriously, I LOVE that figure!

I’ve yet to add any of the Funko POPs, but it’s just a matter of time. I’m even considering some of the LEGO sets and Hot Wheels pieces. And anything else I can find. Anyone want to throw me a cool $250, so I can nab one of the Hot Toys figures? Anyone? Hello?

Until next time, you’ll find me in the toy aisle.


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