Welcome to something new I'm trying with Comic Book Mojo. Every week, I'm going to share my weekly haul from the comic shop. If I get a chance to read them before I post, I'll share a short review. But more than likely, that will come later. And this may not always be on NCBD (New Comic Book Day). I always get my weekly haul at Downtown Comics West, in Indianapolis.
This week's pickups are Uncanny X-Men Annual #1, Guardians of the Galaxy #1, Exorsisters #4, Justice League #16, Over the Garden Wall #5 (of 5), and the first trade of The Immortal Hulk.

Yesterday I received some books I ordered from Midtown Comics during a trade sale last week. The Deluxe Collection of Injection and the first trade of Isola, both from Image Comics. This gets me caught up on Injection, which makes me very happy.

Let me see what you got this week!
Everyone has issues. Mine are mostly comics.