If you follow my social media accounts, you've probably seen me post my weekly #haul. This past week I picked up Return of Wolverine #1, Justice League #8, West Coast Avengers #2, and the final issue of Scales and Scoundrels. I'll likely post something about Wolverine later, and I'll definitely post something about Scales and Scoundrels, as it has been my favorite book of the last year. And, for now, it's done. *sad face*
No, this time around I'm going to write about a book that has surprised me at this point. And if you can't tell by my headline and header picture, I'm referring to West Coast Avengers.

A book that wasn't initially on my radar, I picked it up on a whim. And I'm glad I did. Written by Kelly Thompson with art by Stefano Caselli and Tríona Farrell, the book features a team consisting of: Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), America Chavez (does she even go by Miss America anymore?), Quentin Quire (again, does he ever go by Kid Omega?), Gwenpool, and Kate's boyfriend, Fuse. And to avoid any further confusion, I'll refer to the Hawkeyes by their first names. And I'll preface this with the admission that I don't know much about these characters, outside of Clint and Quentin. Here we go.
The first issue opens with Clint on camera in an interview of sorts, discussing Kate's abilities as a hero and a leader. The story is sprinkled throughout with these interview sequences with all the team members. We then cut to weeks prior and Kate attempting to wrangle some land sharks that are running amok in Santa Monica. Yes, land sharks. Sharks, they appear to be Great Whites, with arms and legs, running around Santa Monica chomping on stuff. Kate calls Clint for assistance and warns him of America's arrival to teleport him, moments before she does. Along with Fuse, our heroes manage to herd the sharks back into the ocean. Back at Hawkeye Investigations in Venice Beach, the four discuss the need for heroes on the West Coast, and set to recruting a team. This involves a flyer with tear off tabs and interviews/auditions.
Much like the opening rounds of American Idol, most of the auditions are nowhere near up to par. Until Gwenpool shows up. This gives the team 4 members in search of a 5th, as Clint has no plans on being a full time member. Enter Quentin Quire, along with his two man film crew (this is where the previously mentioned interview sequences come from). Quire lists off the reasons why he is the best option Kate has, running down the other heroes in the process, and reveals he also comes with financial backing. The film crew reveals to Kate that they wanted to film a team, which Quire claimed to be a part of, but have spent the last three weeks in an apartment watching him play video games. Kate ponders the downsides and how their images may be portrayed, whilst Gwenpool and Quire partake in some jackassery in the background. Building tension between Gwen and Quire runs through the first two issues.

After a touching moment of encouragement from Fuse to Kate, and another incident between Quire and Gwen, the team gets an alert that requires their attention. They return to Santa Monica expecting more land sharks, only to encounter a seemingly mindless, enraged former Avenger, Tigra. A 200 foot tall, seemingly mindless, enraged former Avenger, Tigra. Kate shoots down Quire's idea of mentally shutting down Tigra, for fear of harming her. She then sends half the team to engage Tigra, while the other half of the team to protect the people in the area. As Tigra proves to be a bit too much for the team, Kate gives Quire the okay to shut her down. That's when the blonde, slightly over-sized headed, surfer dude B.R.O.D.O.K. shows up. B.R.O.D.O.K. - Bio-Robotic Organism Designed Overwhelmingly For Kissing. And he claims he can save the day! To quote Gwenpool, "What the %&$#?!" End of Issue #1!

The team continues their attempts to subdue Tigra, while B.R.O.D.O.K. (I'm just gonna call him BRO from here on) seems more interested in the surf. When America finally manages to knock Tigra off her feet, BRO swoops in to finally intervene. Quire notes that Tigra's psychic blocks are impressive as BRO flies up to Tigra. While the team discusses how they all agree that BRO must certainly be M.O.D.O.K. (Mechanized Organism Designed Only For Killing) in disguise, BRO seemingly convinces Tigra to just leave. Quire notes that BRO has mental blocks in place, as well, that feel very similar to Tigra's.
The crew returns to headquarters, with BRO in tow, where he proceeds to tell the story of what brought him to the west coast. He came to LA to open Advanced Image Mechanics. Hmmm...that sounds very similar to Advanced Idea Mechanics. Anyway, BRO opened AIM to help people realize their "most perfect selves", as an "image doctor". But he was having difficulty finding a soul mate. It was during this soul mate search that he happened upon our team as they confronted the over-sized Tigra and decided to help. Clint and Kate go to "pick up pizza" (they're going to investigate AIM), while everyone else stays behind. And discuss watching Weekend at Bernie's 2. The Hawkeyes find some interesting "patient" files, and set off an alarm. Meanwhile, Gwen and Quire are having a heated discussion about Bernie's. This ends with the two of them kissing, much to the horror of their teammates.

Clint and Kate return to the headquarters being vacated in disgust. Kate invites BRO to stay overnight, which results in BRO finding the files she and Clint took from AIM. BRO is not at all happy at this and claims this was LA's last chance. He makes a call to his "pretties" to join him in the final act - "B.R.O.D.O.K. Kills Los Angeles!" The final page reveals Tigra returning along with several other large, shadowed figures.

For being a book I really didn't intend to pick up, I'm really enjoying it. It isn't tied in to anything else. I came in without having had to read another book to know what's going on. And, most importantly, it's a fun read. And I'm starting to like the characters I wasn't already familiar with. I'm curious to see where it goes and I actually care to see if B.R.O.D.O.K. is actually M.O.D.O.K., or not. I'll definitely stick out the first arc.
With that, I realize that my reviews are really just recaps and summaries. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Let me know what you think. Drop a comment on here, Facebook, or Twitter.
Everyone has issues. Mine are mostly comics.