I picked up my copy of Saga #54 yesterday, and finally read it this morning. You may have read that this is the last issue for at least a year, as Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples are taking an extended hiatus to focus on family, other projects, and to just creatively recharge. A plus side to this, for me, is that I can use the time to catch up on the 15, or so, issues I've missed.
This will just be a very quick impression of the comic. I'll not dive into details, so as to avoid any spoilers.
Long story short, this issue is a key moment in the family's confrontation with The Will, with some dire consequences. The usual narration from Hazel adds some extra emotional punch. Especially for a parent, such as myself. It may take the entirety of this coming year for me to recover from the end of this issue.
How's that for a teaser? If you read Saga, you've probably already read this issue and you know what I mean. If you aren't reading Saga, why not?!? Go pick up the trades! The first volume is only $10, and the subsequent volumes are around $15. Go read and catch up to this issue, then come back and let me know if it hit you the way it did me. You can hit me up on Twitter. My handle is Comic_Book_Mojo.
And I think I've finally come up with a tagline for Comic Book Mojo...
Everyone has issues. Mine are mostly comics.